Thursday, September 19, 2013

Patience... patience...

Patience is something that I don't have a whole lot of -- I admit it. When I want things, I want them now.  Immediate results, please!  Of course, that's always made dieting problematic for me ... while it seems like I can put on weight if I simply get too close to a cookie, the weight takes forever to come off. And boy, that kinda pisses me off (excuse my language, but diets make me curse).

Which is why I'm doing Lean Eating -- it's not a diet. But I have to keep reminding myself of that because lately I've found myself slipping back into the diet mindset, like bad habits reasserting themselves.  I've debated on here the value of weighing in every day vs. weighing in just once a week, and I think I'm starting to see the wisdom of not watching that number bounce around every day.  I'm starting to really want to see the pounds go down and that's making me a little bit crazy (more than usual).

So, I need to back off a little bit and deep breathe and tell myself:  this is not a diet.  This is not about weight loss (I always chuckle a little when I say this, despite knowing that I ought to buy into that wholeheartedly). This is not about what the scale tells me. This is not about counting calories or purposely going hungry.

This is about transforming my life, starting from my mind and heart and working outward.

I've got a year (well, actually a year minus 8 weeks, now) and at my current pace, I'll lose the 30-40 pounds that I'd like to see gone.  And I shouldn't have to monitor every ounce of up and down. And that's the point, obviously -- to transform by altering how I think about food and exercise and creating the mental habits that will sustain the physical changes.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard. I struggle to just eat the foods I know I should and not jump on the scale the first thing each morning. When I was at the doctor this morning, I was tempted to say, don't even tell me the number, because it makes me want to obsessively start tracking again.

    We WILL get there. Hopefully by the end of your session, it will matter less what that number says. There is SO MUCH more to this fit lifestyle!
