Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New toys

Have I mentioned that I'm an impulse shopper?  Especially for online stuff... Amazon's "1-Click Buy" is deadly for me (not that more clicks would matter -- it's not like I don't know my credit card number by heart and I can enter my shipping information faster than a speeding bullet or Superman or Underdog ... I can never remember which one...).

So, yesterday I was reading some foodie type blogs and ran across someone who was raving about her rice cooker. Hmmm. That's one of those things that I've heard lots of people profess undying love for, but I have to admit, I never understood why anyone would have a dedicated appliance to just make rice.

But then I did some research, and you know what?  I think they might have magical powers!  They can make rice, sure, but they also steam vegetables and make stews and soups and oatmeal and all sorts of stuff!  And on a timer so I can set it up when I leave in the morning and come home to piping hot food!

(I'm very exclamatory today, aren't I?)

And so I did about 5 minutes of research and pulled the trigger on an Aroma Digitial Rice Cooker and Food Steamer.  

Isn't she pretty?

A full meal!  All in one pot!  How great is that!

I'll have to start hunting up some good recipes, though I'll toss some rice and vegetables in this weekend and see what happens.  Any suggestions?


  1. Very cool! I've heard people talk about the merits of a rice cooker, but I'm not a huge rice fan, so I never thought about it. I didn't know it had magical powers though!

    p.s. I like you all exclamationy!!!

  2. It's gorgeous! My bike mechanic has one of those, he swears by it.

  3. The verdict is: I LOVE IT. I might never use my oven again. :)
