Thursday, September 26, 2013


Well, my streak is broken -- I missed posting yesterday for the first time since I started this back in July.  That makes me a little sad, but it was unavoidable.

I was at work from about 8am (a late start for me) until 11:30pm and didn't step back into my house until well after midnight -- not only too late to blog, but officially the next day anyway. To be honest, I didn't even think about it until I laid my head on my pillow and since my alarm was going off at 4:30am it wasn't like I was getting out of bed to do anything about it.

This schedule has thrown my nutrition into a tailspin, though.  I didn't get to have any dinner last night (I had my vegetable afternoon snack around 2pm) and woke up this morning ready to chew my arm off.  And with only 3.5 hours of sleep last night, I've been all kinds of snacky today (though I've mostly behaved myself), and wanting carbs and sweets.

Luckily, a good night's sleep should solve all of my problems as long as I don't give in to my craving for pizza.  And ice cream.  Oh, and cookies.  Donuts!   (okay, I need to stop this now and go to bed...)

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