Well, will you look at that? 100% compliance this week! Not that it was difficult (other than the pain of having to look my my "before" photos), but it's a good start. And since I kind of live for positive reinforcement and gold stars, this is right up my alley.
So, what did I think of this first full week? It was pretty easy. The workouts are short and easy, remembering to take fish oil/probiotics is something my phone can remember for me, and reading the assignments feeds a hunger for knowledge about what's to come. Yes -- what can I say -- I'm a Lean Eating rockstar.
I have to admit, though -- despite my success, I'm feeling like a little bit of a fraud. See, I haven't actually changed my eating habits yet (unless, of course, that candy bar I had with lunch is "on plan"). Coach V. tells us that we don't need to think about what we're eating yet and that at our only responsibility is to check off the things on our daily checklist. And since nutrition hasn't yet made an appearance on the checklist, it's nothing to worry about.
That's an important point of PN -- they tell clients that they aren't supposed to "worry or wonder" about things in the future. Follow the plan, work on the one habit that's been assigned, do your workout and trust that the many, many successes they've had will translate to you. Which is quite a challenge because this method is such a change for me. I'm used to diving in and taking on EVERYTHING all at once. Of course, after a week I'm usually all out of willpower and find myself face down in a tub of ice cream. Is it possible that my way isn't the best way?
Well, one week down, 51 + the rest of my life to go. Yippee!
Hey! I can so relate! Glad we're on this journey together! By Wednesday, I was like, "when are you going to tell me about food?! I want to do all the things to be smaller NOW". High five for us for showing up and getting the gold stars!