Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And the verdict is...

I know that my legions of fans (hundreds of fans?  tens of fans?  Mom? Are you there??) have been waiting to hear how the orange-flavored fish oil went down today.  Well, I have good news to report:  mixed in with my vanilla protein shake, the taste was almost reminiscent of my
childhood favorite Dreamsicle™.  I don't think I even came close to making my "ewwww!" face while drinking it down. And - seriously - how could this be worse than taking in 18 fish oil soft gels a day?

I had a good workout today -- instead of the PN workout, I had a beatdown scheduled with my trainer.  We worked hard for a solid hour and I was dripping with sweat by the time I was done (well, I worked hard and she had the draining responsibility of writing down all the hard work I was doing). Of course, dripping with sweat is hardly surprising for me -- these days, I seem to perspire by merely thinking about exercising. Gotta love getting older.

I've got a great situation with my trainer -- I got on her schedule at the gym about 3.5 years ago, and it didn't take long before we became friends.  About a year after having met her, I moved close to the gym and she needed a place to stay, so, I ended up with a trainer/roommate combo. And with a home gym in my basement, it couldn't be easier to work out regularly.  At least in theory.  Heh.  Turns out that sitting around shooting the breeze and having an adult beverage all too often wins out over training.  Go figure.

But all that changes now!  Now I'm putting on my serious I'm-not-joshing face and getting down to business.  And anyway, who's to say what's actually in my water bottle?

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