Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Aside from the coaching and mentors, the discussion forums are a big part of the PN experience.  Basically, it's a big hangout for all the women who are also have Coach V. as their coach, a place to ask questions, chat and otherwise get to know each other.  Since this is an almost entirely online experience, it's how we'll bond.

Now, I've been a part of another online community for about 9 years now.  BT ( has been a second home to me and the friends I first met online have turned into friends that I love spending time with.  I wouldn't trade them for the world (even though I'm not even really doing triathlons anymore...)!

But, it took me awhile to get to where I'm at now on BT ... I dipped my toes in, tested the waters, lurked for quite awhile and then finally got comfortable enough to wade in. With PN it's been like being thrown into a lake as a method for teaching you how to swim! To get the full experience of the program, you need to get in there and post, and I have to say, it's a little intimidating, a little overwhelming, but ... so far, so good.

With everyone (mostly) in the same boat, it makes it easier.  I know that that if I'm a dork now, the other women are probably just as concerned with how they're coming across and not paying attention enough to notice and remember my first impression all that much.  At least, that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.

It's all good, though.  It's a little weird and awkward right now, but I think the immersion theory will make for good friendships later on.  With my BT experience, I know how supportive and encouraging an online entourage can be, and I'm hoping for nothing less with PN (though on an accelerated schedule).



  1. If you meet any mtb ladies on PN, we must drag them to the clinic next year!

    1. Yes! There are still spots to sleep on the pool table, right? :)

  2. But you're a loveable dork. :)

    Good luck Laura!
