And - I actually haven't done too badly:
- Lean Eating stuff? Could have been better, but I made a bunch of progress.
- Reading? I've read almost twice as many books in about half the time. Whew! It's been awesome and I hadn't realized how much I missed it. And a PSA -- support your local public library! The services they offer are beyond compare.
- Dog Training? Well, we'll say that perhaps my dogs still rule the roost, but they let me delude myself into thinking I'm in charge more than they used to.
- More steps? I'm moving so much more than I used to! I think starting up using Gym Pact has really pushed me in the right direction.
- Journaling? Man, I was so good for awhile but that's slipped off. On the other hand, I've started digital photo journaling, which has put me on a search for the best app out there to do it (I love Project365 on the iOS side, but need the Android equivalent ... any suggestions?).
- More music and less TV? I cut the cord on full-blown cable right after March Madness and I can't say that I've missed it too much. My brother -- saint that he is -- has given me a log in to his service so that I can catch the occasional sporting event that I no longer can see on my TV. And with the music, I'm crushin' pretty hard on Songza these days ... love the curated lists and the huge variety of music. You should check it out.
So, what goals am I'm going to tweak for the rest of the year?
Not too much, actually. Keep the Lean Eating goals -- put in the work, attend the video chats, keep in close touch with my coach. I need support and I need to ask for it.
Keep enjoying the outdoors. After this past winter, I've been trying to get outside as often as possible for walks both with and without the dogs. Especially on days when I strength train, I try to get out for a long walk in the evening and I'm really loving the time it gives me to catch up on some of the podcasts that I love listening to.
Keep on with the less TV. I've got a list of shows that I actually enjoy watching (American Ninja Warrior, anyone?? I'm addicted! And did you see Kacy Catanzaro kill it out there the other night?? Talk about inspirational!) but beyond that and watching the news, I have better things to do other than vegetating on the couch.
And something new: I want to pick up a new tech skill. I found a free course on how to write Android apps, which looks totally interesting. Or - perhaps something in the way of learning about web design and programming. But - something. I learn a ton of stuff at my job, but I want to learn something fun (and perhaps even marketable).
Encompassing all this was the straightforward goal: be me, be happy. And I have to say, I think I'm hitting this pretty well. I feel like it's been a long time since I've felt this content and excited about what's in my life. It's not dramatic or perhaps even exciting in the traditional sense, but it's what makes me smile. What I'm trying to say: things are good.
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