Sunday, July 20, 2014

On the brink

Tomorrow starts my second round of Lean Eating.  I wasn't going to be that girl, the one who didn't get any results and had to do another year, but here I am.

But I'm not feeling like a failure, no. I'm feeling excited and ready to go -- I recognize all the work that I put in last year and am now ready to really put the program to its best use for me. 

I've said this before, but I'm finally staring to put words into action:  I don't care what size I am.  Truly.  Whether I'm a size 6 or a size 16, as long as I can go out and do anything I want at any time and not be limited by a lack of fitness, I will have been successful. 

So, if I want to bike better, I need to go out and hit the trails.  If I want to run better, then I need to hit the pavement.  Lift heavy stuff?  Then I need to hit the gym.

Here's to a year of kicking ass!

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