Yesterday I took a hop into the way back machine and brought you a post that I wrote over 3 years ago. You'd think that I would have learned those lessons by now, wouldn't you?
Of course, you'd be wrong if you thought this. I've always owned up to being a few threads short of a full sweater.
So, last night I got to bed late. Why? Because. Yes, that's my whole reason. I was too lazy to haul myself out of my comfy chair to go to bed. Makes perfect sense.
This morning, between the scant 6.5 hours of sleep and the cold that keeps on lingering, I woke up so tired it felt like I had only slept for a few minutes before my alarm went off. I stumbled around getting myself ready for work and basically sleep-drove myself to the office (that's why they have guardrails -- they keep you on the road just like the bumpers they use for little kids when they go bowling).
And all morning -- from the moment I got up -- I was hungry. Even after eating what is usually a satisfying breakfast, I was still hungry. Hungry, hungry, HUNGRY. The more I nodded off, the more I wanted to eat. And you know what? When I'm tired like that, I have very little desire to make decisions that benefit me. It's like having to be coherent and productive when I'm mostly asleep takes up all my energy, leaving nothing to toss towards eating healthy food or having the ability to wait more than 45 minutes between meals.
I'm tellin' ya, people -- sleep. It's the answer to so many things. It really is so much easier to stay on plan when I've gotten a good night's sleep. It's as simple as that. And like so many other things in my Lean Eating journey, it's a lesson that I keep teaching myself, over and over and over. One day it'll stick, I'm sure.
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