I've decided I need a change. As much as the LE program preaches moderation and such, I think it's time that I made a wholesale change in my diet: I'm going to go Primal(ish).
In a nutshell (ha! that's a pun! you'll understand in a moment...), eating Primally means eating lean meats, lots of vegetables, good-for-you fats, some fruit, some dairy/cheese and pretty much no grains (pasta, rice, white potatoes, bread, etc). It's not intentionally low-carb -- you do get carbs via fruit and some vegetables and sweet potatoes -- but does end up being protein-heavy.
I've toyed with the idea of going Primal since I started LE, since the tenets of both have a lot in common, but didn't want to give up my sweets and grains. But recently I've been craving carbs -- and mostly processed carbs -- like there's no tomorrow and that needs to stop. And the only way that I know of to stop those cravings, is to stop eating sweets and grains cold turkey, at least for awhile.
One caveat: while I'll be pretty strict, I likely won't be "to the letter" Primal. Meaning, I'm not making all of my own salad dressing or giving up beans and corn and things like that. Keeping it healthy, though, and staying away from the processed stuff as a main part of any meal.
So tomorrow it starts. I have planned out a menu for the week which is something I've tried to wing on the fly, but never wrote down and so it was easy to ditch the plan (since it wasn't never really a fully-formed plan) and eat out or eat crap. But now? It's all on paper and ready to go. Set in stone, baby! I've got my shopping list for tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to some of the food I'm going to be cooking.
I've got some other reasons for wanting to try Primal for awhile, but I'm too tired to go into that now. Nighty-night! More tomorrow...
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