Boy, not even 2 days into my whole New Year's Resolution thing to post daily and I didn't get anything written for yesterday! I wish it had at least taken a bit longer for this to happen, but what can I say -- my day got away from me. Until I got home around 8:40pm, I hadn't done anything more than stop in twice, not sitting down long enough to do anything, much less post here. I know -- excuses, excuses...
Other than the slip-up yesterday, I've been doing well on the resolutions. I'm excited about them; instead of being wholesale changes to the way I do things, they're just extensions of what I've been doing since I started this LE thing and it's got me all amped up to have put them down in writing and start holding myself accountable. I know it's still early in my resolutionist year, but I think I set things up right this time around.
One resolution that I thought would be easy that's proving challenging is keeping the TV off more often. Take today for example: I was up early, got my run in, showered, did all my LE measurements and photos, walked the dogs, went grocery shopping, started laundry, made bacon and eggs for breakfast, had my skinfold measurements done AND had a training session (whew!). So now -- early afternoon -- when I sit down on the couch? I feel like I deserve to watch some college basketball (which is what I would normally do). I worked hard today! Of course, I still had this blog post to write and I want to read a chunk of my book -- both things that would be ignored in favor of watching sports. So this has been taking more conscious effort, but it's been good (though I think my dogs miss college basketball... perhaps I should turn it on for them...).
How are your resolutions coming along? Did you make any this year?
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