I like these kinds of days, when I have things to do but nothing really scheduled. In my LE world, it was a measurement Saturday -- scale and tape measure -- and as you'd suspect, nothing much really changed (apparently the $100/month only buys me so much). I've only just started making small changes in my food choices, and not enough to impact anything in a meaningful way. And that's fine - it'll come.
It was a good morning; got up early, took my measurements, walked the dogs, got my workout from Thursday done (I had a very weird vertigo-like thing going on Thursday, so I opted to move it to this morning), went shopping, went to the bank, did my food prep for the week, cleaned and hosed down the dog cages, vacuumed up dog hair, walked the dogs again, made some dinner, took one dog to get his nails clipped, did some more shopping and even made some time to just hang out with the pups and nap with them a little.
(you know, when I write it out like that I realize how much dang time and energy my dogs require! They're lucky they are so stinkin' cute...)
Now, I'm in front of the TV, winding down for the night, knocking out this blog entry. This kind of productive yet relaxing day makes me feel good about everything. Somehow it even helps me make healthier choices, too. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like when I'm taking control of my life and getting things done, why would I even want to mess with doing stuff that I know doesn't support my long term goals?
"It's summertime and the living is easy..."
Yay for productive days!