Friday, August 16, 2013


My DVR box is on the fritz.  All of my favorite shows, still unwatched, hang in the balance as I do everything I can to save it.  The box freezes when it's booting and I'm afraid that the hard drive is the culprit, which would mean bad, bad things for my recorded TV viewing future.

I hardly ever watch shows in real time anymore (the few times I do, I still try and use the remote to fast forward through commercials...) and keep a stash of (mostly mindless) shows on hand to give myself something to relax to, ya know?

Wondering what you'd find on my DVR?

  • A few episodes of Extreme Makeover:  Weightloss Edition (I love me some Chris Powell!)
  • Under the Dome (I read the book and am mildly disappointed in the series so far)
  • Inkmaster (because there's nothing better than adults acting badly AND showing off some mad tattooing skills in front of a camera)
  • Whodunnit?  (eh... probably not worth the time)
  • Bar Rescue (getting tired of this one... but there's a part of me drawn to seeing how incredibly messed up some of these bars are)

A few other shows are on there, but nothing that's in the least bit interesting for me to tell you about (what? Dancing With The Stars?  Me?? Of course not!!).

I'm a techy type (at least that's what I've been getting paid to do for the last 20 years), so I'm going to give resurrecting this device my best shot before calling ATT and talking to someone from India who doesn't know anything about anything.  Right now I'm letting the box rest.  Sometimes it just needs a good night's sleep.  I hope.

And that's my Friday night.  Excitement abounds.  I know you're jealous.

(and no, this has absolutely nothing to do with LE.  Deal with it...)

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